Looking back, I realized that I was exposed to ONOMATOPOEIA very early in life. The problem is, I did not realize that those sound words belong in a category with a long name attached.

I remember reading BATMAN comic books and seeing “WHACK”, “BAM”, and “POW” sprawled across the pages and knew what was happening in the picture. Batman kicked someone, images (91) Robin hit someone, images (94)And both of them punched, kicked, images (95)and “BAM” the bad guys.

These words all belong to the category ONOMATOPOEIA. They are sound words. There are a plethora of sound words but we are more accustomed to them in children’s book. But the most common sound words are animal noises – WOOF, MEOW, HISS, COO, CAW, TWEET and many more.

There are many sound words that are not animal related. In a current work-in-progress, I used an ONOMATOPOEIAic (This is not a word, but it should be!!!) sentence. I stated,

“The bullies must have heard Momma. Because as soon as she entered the room, the rattle-rattle-rattle and the thump-thump-thump stopped.”

Rattle and thump are ONOMATOPOEIA. These are sound words. Below, I will leave you with some sound words. There are more, but these will get you started. ONOMATOPOEIA images (92)

Christie Wild 14:14 Picture Book Challenge

So you know I consider myself the “Challenge Queen”. This means I will jump on a challenge that involves picture books, reading, writing, sharing information, and analyzing. Since I do not have anyone to listen to me, these challenges allow me to write my thoughts and share them with others.

Christie Wild’s 14:14 Picture Book Challenge is reading 14 picture books in 14 days (14:14). Then analyze them using one of these:

Top 10 Story Elements for Picture Books
#3: PLOT

Each day, I will read a book and post the analysis here. I will link it back to her site. And check out the other sites of other writers who are participating in the challenge.

I should have posted this post before I began the challenge, but I didn’t. I actually started the challenge yesterday. I read and analyze MOSES: WHEN HARRIET TUBMAN LED HER PEOPLE TO FREEDOM, by Carole Boston Weatherford and illustrated by Kadir Nelson. Phenomenal book!

In Moses, I analyzed ELEMENT#7 ~ WORDPLAY (Alliteration, Simile, and Onomatopoeia). Check it out by clicking the link above. So now I have nine more elements to explore 😀 I am so excited.