14:14 Picture Book Challenge Christie Wright Wild

untitled (74)

untitled (73)TITLE: THANK YOU, BEAR
Author/Illustrator: GREG FOLEY
Publisher: VIKING
Word Count: 183-words
Type: Fiction

Summary: Despite the criticism of others, a bear finds the perfect gift for his mouse friend.

Element #1 Character
The story starts off with a bear who found a box and wanted to give it to his friend, mouse. I love the simplicity of the characterization. This shows us how thoughtful bear was. He found a box and immediately thought it would be better suited for mouse than him. I love it. I love how the author “showed” us instead of “tell” us.

Element #4 – Dialogue
This is where the author used the dialogue to “show” us instead of “tell” us.
“Why, it’s the greatest thing ever! Mouse will love this.”
The use of the exclamation sign shows us how excited bear was with the thought of mouse loving a simple box.

I also love-love-love the characters as they tried to discourage him from giving the box to mouse.
Monkey said, “That’s not so great.”
Owl said, “I’ve seen those before.”
Fox said, “You’re holding it the wrong way.” Not “Nieh, nieh, nieh, nieh, nieh, nieh, nieh!”
Elephant said, “I think it’s too small.”
Squirrel said, “It would be much better if you gave it to me.”
Bunny said, “I don’t have time to look right now.”
Mouse said, “It’s the greatest thing ever! Thank you, bear.”

The dialogue is 68-words out of 183-words. So 1/3 of the book is dialogue.

I am used to reading books over 1000-words. So this was a treat 😀 But it did not disappoint. I remember when I was a teenager, the fad was wearing many necklaces and a ring on each finger. My great-great-great-grandmother hated it. She said (in a strong Caribbean accent), “All dat chain mek you look like Mr. T. You need to learn that ‘less is best’.”

She stripped me of the necklaces and ring except for one of each.

This book made me understand how important that message was. I get it great-great-great-grandmother. “Less is best!”

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